Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let it Snow. Let it Stop. Let it Go!

Another snowstorm....another school closing....just another February day in New York.

This was the view out my window at 10am:

...and here was the scene at noon:

....and this was at around 3:

It was bound to happen. There still some seats in the back, if you're interested.

I'd better have biceps of steel after all this shoveling....

Passing out now-

Anonymous said...

It looks like that here too...only the schools haven't closed so I guess it's not quite as bad. Still nasty though and I wish it was spring again or least warm enough to not snow. Yeah, I know, I'm pretty picky for someone whose lived up north all my life. XD

Chrissie said...

Wow, who needs television when the winter olympics are just out your window.
The first picture made me laugh the most. It took me a second to realise that the second picture wasn't of superman dieing.

Jenny said...

Man, what's a girl gotta do to get a triple axle in her front yard?! I mean, really! What the toepick is up with that?

Jenny said...

Oh wait, I got it....Kathryn dear, I think you may be a tad bit de-luge-ional.

Bam! Landed it! :)

carissajaded said...

hahahaha I just laughed so hard at this. Ummm can I be the water girl? They probably need one... and i did it during highschool...

BlackLOG said...

You should do the descent thing and post your spare snow to Vancouver....

Runnergirl said...

I know I risk being ousted, but I like a proper Winter like that! (Although that's probably more because it would prevent me from going to work and I could spend the day doing what I want to do instead!)

Love the photos!

Moonrayvenne said...

Somehow we have excaped most of the snow so far. We have only had 1 snow day. We could sure use a few more.
Sorry the olympic crews didn't shovel for you. Enjoy the show! Spring will be here before you know it! (((HUGS)))

brite said...

You've got skillz girl! I love the skaters the most.

Christopher said...

I don't see how there is more snow in the US than Canada. If this is what global warming is doing we seriously need to invade Canada.

Bernadine said...

Hi Kath

Wow... The weather there in New York is like my mood turned out to be today.... sobby...

Wow... ok I just forgot what I wanted to say... sorry..

Are you like up in the evenings like late from about 12:00 AM and onwards? I really need someone to talk to that will listen please. My mail adres is bernadineb@statssa.gov.za (at this moment in time I don't care who else sees it...> I'll be at work just before 7:00AM South African time then you can mail me maybe so that I can get your adress please. I don't know what time it will be in New York than.... Please

Sorry for this sobby comment. I guess I need someone to talk to...

Sorry again

Anonymous said...

Ever considered hosting the next winter olympics in your back yard? Because at this point, Vancouver is doing quite poorly in the winter department.

By the way, while you're shoveling away (scrape, scrape) feel free to fling a few shovelfuls of snow my way... I quite miss the white stuff. : )

*ducks to avoid Kathryn's accidentally-on-purpose not-so-friendly punch*

The Shitty Astrologer said...

Hahaha...that's so cute! Have you been watching the Olympics too? Our Canadian girly-girl snowboarder Maelle Ricker made my day yesterday by acing the gold medal - and I won a buncha bets!

jh said...

Love it. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Oh hey Kit Kat :) So glad you is okay. I was looking for yah through the blogosville. I said to my self,
"Self, I haven't seen a post from the Kat!" and voila you are here buried in snow..... again!

And again I must complain, we.have.no.snow! Trade yah!

Momiji chan said...

hah its sunny over here i'll trade you ^_^ oh ad i found something funny its over at my place check it out until the very end its kinda long i know but bare with me i though it was funny injoy

dailyseeking said...

Columbus, GA actually had 3inches of snow last week and then it melted! But I'm from Ohio so I know what snow is-can be depressing after 3 months. But your post was very funny!

Ron said...



You are SOOO clever, my friend!

And I would pay BIG bucks for a ringside seat to have see that!

Thanks for the awesome Wednesday morning HOWL.



Tinkerschnitzel said...

Yup, I'd have to say you are starting to lose it. Welcome to the club! I really shouldn't be on here today, seeing as how I have all sorts of bulletins to fold for the Ash Wednesday service tonight!

Margarete said...

Save me seat...I'll bring some Cloudy and we'll laugh at the Curling Team!

Betsy said...

Excellent job of keeping your sense of humor over it all....[snicker] :)

We don't have the snow but I'm with ya, I'm sick of winter!

Bobby Allan said...

Funny! I did a similar post about the snow at my house and the Olympics!

Alicia said...

You are so amazingly clever and funny. It's fun seeing the world through your eyes, even if right now the world for you is just your frozen front yard :-)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Wow, lucky you with front row seats to the best events!

Oddyoddyo13 said...

Amazing what happens outside your window....

I hope the snow clears up soon!

Anonymous said...

You really have Olympic athletes in your backyard? (or front yard depending on where your window faces). Kathryn, you truly are awesome! Now I don't have to plan a trip to Vancouver to see the winter Olympics and spend hours upon hours jostling for candy and snacks. I could just come down to New Yawk and we could attempt to make something palatable and just a teeny bit healthy while watching th mini-winter-Olympics in your back (front?) yard.


Spot said...

You + photoshop = brilliant!! Loved your photos. At least you stayed home in your snow. I went to Myrtle Beach to escape it and it followed me!!! But those folks down there + snow = me laughing my ass off. Besides by noon the 3.5 inches was gone. Just gone. Amazing.


Gay Guy said...

Couldn't one of those Olympiads just shovel your walk for you?

Jerry said...

I dance and do every kind of contortion I can think of outside your window -- and all you do is snap a picture and wander off. What do I have to do?

Lauren said...

Awww! I kind of feel bad for you. But, now that you have biceps of steel, maybe you can compete in the Olympics taking place in your front yard. Nothing like a gold medal in Olympic shovelling. Just watch those back strain deductions. The judges are brutal!

Unknown said...

LOL! You crack me UP! I love your photoshop adventures! :o)

Don't shovel too much! Snow is heavy, I don't want you to put your back out again!

kathryn said...

Gavin: You're no pickier than I am, my friend! Spring's gotta get here sooner or later. Let's hope for sooner...

Elfie:OMG! You're right!! (I had to scroll back up to look) Too funny! Yeah, I'm soooo lucky, right? I do some serious skating of my own...going up and down that drive!

Jenny: OMG! You are a freakin' genius! "De-luge-ional"!!! You and I need to seriously collaborate on a TV script! We'd ROCK DA HOUSE!

kathryn said...

carissajaded: Sure! Just come on by for try-outs on Monday at 11am. (You've got stiff competition with Tiger being there...but you'll do fine!)

BlackLOG: Oh, I'd be MORE than happy to. I suppose it's the LEAST I could do. I don't have to give back the athletes, too...do I??

Runnergirl: Nah...I'd never oust YOU, sweetie! You're welcome to take this winter off our hands any time you'd like.

kathryn said...

Collette: HA! If those Olympic guys had shoveled, there wouldn't have been anything for them to skate/ski/luge on! So, I'm making the best of it!

brite: HA! Thank you! The skaters are my favorite, too!

Christopher: I know! Everyone always talks about the "cold arctic wind coming down from Canada"....WTF? WHY is this winter so freakin' bad? I just don't get it.

Bernadine: Oh, sweetie....I'm just reading this NOW. (2/20, 7:40pm)...I'm so sorry! I'm on my way over to your place...

kathryn said...

~:C:~ Hey you! I would LOVE to pile some snow down your back! Not that I'm aiming, or anything...it would simply be a "lucky hit"!

The Shitty Astrologer: Yes! Maelle Ricker was FABULOUS...as was Sean White. Loving it...but just certain parts, otherwise, I'd never sleep!

jh: Aw. You're welcome, sweetie. How are you? I'm emailing you tomorrow!

kathryn said...

WannabeVirginiaW: HA! Yes, I am here. Like, where else could I be, with all this S-N-O-W?? I'm making arrangements to have it ALL shipped to YOU, m'dear....wait by your mailbox. It should be there any day now...

uo-chan: Yeah...we could use some serious sun. I'm heading over to your place now.

dailyseeking: Thank you, sweetie. It really IS enough, already. I get it: it's winter...it's cold, it's snowy. But, we're all DONE.

kathryn said...

RON! Aw! And I'd looove to have you sitting orchestra center...sipping a hot chocolate in the VIP seats. (Why am I guessing there ARE NO orchestra seats at the Olympics??) Love ya! xo

kathryn said...

Tinkerschnitzel: Ah, yes....Ash Wednesday (I'd originally typed "Ask Wednesday" HA!) Gee...what gave you the impression I'm *starting* to lose it??

Margarete: Hey sweetie!! YAY! I've roped off a V.I.P. section just for YOU! Bring it!

Gingerella: Thanks, honey! For your support, I award you a front-row seat! Spiked cocoa is optional!

kathryn said...

Chrissy: Well, we already know that great minds think alike...right??

Alicia: Thank you! I'm glad I can make it enjoyable...and when seen thru someone else's eyes, it doesn't seem quite so bad. ('Course, the compliments don't hurt one bit!)

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: Uh-huh....you're welcome anytime, sweetie! Best seats...and no commercial interruption!

Oddyoddyo13: Yup...you just have to know where to look...(and look really, really hard)

Fierce: That sounds like the perfect plan! We'd better stay out of the kitchen, though...unless we're gonna do a smoke-filled Olympic event!

kathryn said...

Spot: I cannot imagine 3.5 inches of snow just...disappearing. Of course, I can't imagine the snow following me on vacation, either! Glad you've made the best of it...I knew you would!

Gay Guy: Hey! Yeah, you'd think so...but, no. An Olympic spokesperson says, "It is not in our best interest to shovel. Tough noggies." (Unquote.)

Jerry: HA! Oh...that was YOU? At first, I thought that was Bambi and Thumper stealing the birdseed...but then I realized I was in the presence of Olympic greatness. I'll wave next time.

kathryn said...

Lauren: HA! You're right...I know the judges are brutal this year! I'll have to show some serious grace and form on my shoveling maneuvers!

SMOOG: Thank you, sweetie! I make 'em look SO professional, don't I?? I'll be careful...I promise. Thank you for taking such good care of me!

Lynn said...

Brilliant. Really. See you in Russia in 2014!

sewa mobil said...

Nice information, this really useful for me. There is nothing to argue about.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thanks and i like snow very much

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