Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is a Test.

Whee! No thinking caps required...but it sure is fun!

Can you see the naked lady above?

Can you stop thinking about the fact that she's nude for just a minute?? (Stop staring...you're freaking her out!)

You people can be so immature...(snickers).

Tell me what you see! Is she turning clockwise or counter-clockwise? This is ONLY A TEST. Your brain will continue to operate at its usual snail-level of sluggishness...if it's anything like mine, that is...

I shall now tell you what the two different answers evidently mean...but I will NOT tell you what I see...at least, not until YOU tell-


If you're seeing her move clockwise, you use more of the right side of your brain. This means you are: imaginative, a visual learner, impetuous and a risk-taker.
If you're seeing her move counter-clockwise, you use more of the left side of your noggin. This means you are: logical, detail oriented and practical.

I WILL tell you that most of the population supposedly sees her moving counter-clockwise...but a lucky few can focus and actually make her change direction!

I'll bet you'll never, ever guess which way I see her!

I'm dying to know what you see. So, bring it! I'm waiting with breath that is bated...

***Author's Note***
You guys ROCK. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed this "test" as much as I did. I'm responding to comments now, but I thought I'd let you know here that 99% of the time, I see naked lady spinning clockwise. No big surprise, right? You guys know me SO WELL. (The other 1% of the time, I got her to counter-spin...but then the dominant right side took over once again.) As always, thanks for all the great comments!

Bobby Allan said...

Hold on, is she actually supposed to be MOVING? What does it mean if you see her standing still?

Gigi said...

Ok - I'm up for the game. I looked at the naked lady....once I saw her going clock-wise and once I saw her going counter-clockwise. I guess this means I'm "special?"

Lou said...

I'm with Gigi, it takes some concentration but I can make her 'change' direction too. Naturally though I see her turning counter clockwise - Ms Practical, that's me :-(

Dreamfarm Girl said...

how on earth does anyone think she is going counter clockwise. Clockwise! She is totally going clockwise! It's a trick, right? (I know I'm visual, but I'm not much of a risk taker, or so I thought.)

Kelly@MentalGarbage said...

I love this thing... someone e-mailed it to me a while back... It's fun to work on it until you can make her change directions at will... :-)

Kelly@MentalGarbage said...

Oh! And she was clockwise first for me... But that's no surprise - I'm a lefty... And WAY right-brained... haha

Anonymous said...

I'd say clockwise. There is no way she could be moving counterclockwise that's just silly. XD

Jenny said...

Dude. Are you messing with me? She was totally turning clockwise, and when I went back up to confirm my imaginative and risk-taking brain, she was going the other way. Which side of the brain handles indecision? Cause I'm that one. This test is not good for my health. Did I say health? I meant sanity.

Hmmmm, which one would Kathryn pick? I'm going with A. Clockwise. Final Answer.

Lynn said...

At first, clockwise. Then I looked away, and when I looked back, I was able to turn her counter clockwise. But then, I can turn my right index finger one direction and my left index finger the other direction at the same time. It's just an odd quirk... Anyway, enough about me. Now you need to tell us which direction YOU see her turn. We're waiting with baited breath. :)

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Saw her going distinctly clockwise. Which makes sense. then concentrated and saw her the other way. Cool.

Krissi said...

I have a headache from turning her every direction but on her head. I'm guessing you see her do flips and maybe in splits and who even holds her foot that way anyway.

Anonymous said...

I see her moving clockwise. I am getting the feeling you do to. My daughter who is 7 can see her going in one direction then in the other. Weird! I made her look at it like 5 times.

lisa said...

First I saw clockwise then about halfway through the naked girl (yes she is naked) began going the other way. Did I mention that she is naked?

lisa said...

wow, but the real question is did my last post go through?

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

clockwise immediately - phew - I don't want to be left brain. Actually confirms what I already knew.

carissajaded said...

It was going counter clock wise (which it took me a few minutes to figure out) but then I went to the kitchen to get some celery and the jar of peanut butter and it went clockwise... So I guess satisfying my hunger made me more creative.

Lauren said...

I see both! What the Hell! For a while she was doing some crazy jig. It was kind of funny actually. Ummm... how long are you gonna make her keep doing that?

Anonymous said...

She is definitely going clockwise! I am I losing it? Am I okay? Tell me!!!

Rachel said...

I can't believe I didn't realize before now that when she's turning counter-clockwise her left arm and leg are raised, and when she's moving clockwise her right arm and leg are raised... as determined by the handy dandy ponytail. I'll go with logical based on that... counter-clockwise. :)

Jan said...

I swear I saw her change, especially after I looked away. Fun! It agrees with a paper test for right or left I took years ago.

BlackLOG said...

Sorry was she spinning? I could not get beyond the shadow porn. I feel like a Victorian gentleman* who has just discovered that Mrs B has ankles and I like it......Hmmm ankles, I'm sorry you will have to excuse me I'm going to have to go for a cold shower and a lie down.....
Most disgusted from Bishops Stortford…

* This would have been the Viagra of its day.

P.S. I should have guessed that after your purchase of (or was it at?) the porn shop last year, that it would not be long till this sort of material (or should that be lack of material if you think of it in a clothes sense) would start to slip it into your blog. If you have any more of this filth send it on, I would be willing to sacrifice myself to save your soul….

P.P.S Hang on a second I think that’s my great, great grandmother, that’s just sick.

I always wondered where she made her money….

Runnergirl said...

This is soooo true - I am definitely left brained! Weird!

Anonymous said...

She was going clockwise and turning around and around and around and around and around and around and around and making me dizzy while she was at it, but then she started going the other way and she was going around and around and around and around and around *staggers drunkenly from dizziness* Whew! that was fun.

I'm gonna say Kathryn sees her going.................

Bernadine said...


So I'm right brain orientated. Go figure I'm right handed and my left side is just plain stupid.


Felicity Grace Terry said...

Like Chrissy, she didn't move for me either until I clicked to the comments box and off she went moving clockwise. You do realise I'm now going to sit for ages looking at this though, willing her to move in the opposite direction.

Unknown said...

I've seen this before - and she still goes clockwise for me. My husband can make her go both ways. Hee hee - that sounded dirty ;-D

Tia said...

You're all just messing with me right? Right!? There is no way that nekkid lady is going any way but clockwise. I can't make her change! I feel like such a failure. *sigh

Geist Bites said...

I saw her moving clockwise. Do I win?

Meanwhile, since they both concern felicitous sexuality, what separates this from my post about 'cute neo-Nazi chicas' other than science?

I really like this blog.

Unknown said...

Can you please ask her to stop??? She's making me dizzy and my eyes are all smoogy. :oP

She's turning clockwise for me. She's a beaut, eh? lol

Tinkerschnitzel said...

I can make her go both ways, but she was going counter clockwise first. One more way for me to waste the day away. :)

Loredana said...


Xinabean.blogspot.com said...

It was clockwise for me too. And I couldn't see how she could possiblly be going any other way. They I scrolled down to look at just her foot. I got the foot to change direction and them when I scrolled back up she was going counter clockwise.
Maybe it was my methodical approach to trying to see the changed that switched my left brain on? Hmmmm....

Heather said...

She keeps changing direction. She gets about halfway and then reverses.

Betsy said...

Clockwise. Even though I'm a practical, detail-oriented person who likes to say I don't have a creative bone in my body. Maybe I should run away and join some art colony to "find myself?" ;)

Áine said...

I see her going clockwise :)

jen said...

Clockwise, although at one point I swear she was going the other direction. The whole thing is freaking me out.

KT said...

i see her movie clockwise of course. i;ve done this test before, but in the past i;'ve been able to see her moving both ways. today i can't do it for some reason. ARGH! let me try again....SUCCESS! i did it. what does that say about me? that i;m both logical and imaginative?

Natalie said...

clockwise for me! but i'm going to continue to try to get her to change direction!

Menopausal New Mom said...

Okay, I'm crazy, I see her going counter clockwise and then changing directions and going clockwise!

BTW, I'm a new follower, like what I see here!

kathryn said...

Chrissy: Seriously?? Wait. Someone else mentioned that when they clicked on the comments button, she started spinning. No?? Now I don't know what to make of this!

Gigi: Yep...you're one of the elite, sweetie. You've got brains to spare!!

Lou: Well, Ms. Practical...that's your logical side feuding with your creative side.

Dreamfarm Girl: Oh, you'd be surprised how many ppl see her spinning the other way! You're more creative than you'd thought??

kathryn said...

KellyGrrl: It's so much fun, right? I'd actually seen it in 2007 and I remember it kept me amused for DAYS.

Gavin: Ha. It's YOUR way or the highway, huh? You'd be surprised, my man...

Jenny: HA! This comment had me laughing out loud. I've posted my brain's findings at the bottom of the post. You're just above-average, sweetie! Embrace it!!

kathryn said...

Allegria: Wait. So, you can manipulate your fingers in different directions? Like the tummy-rub/heat pat...only more complex?? I've amended the post w/my personal findings!

Maureen@IslandRoar: So, you're instinctively impulsive...but then your logical Mom-brain took over. That sounds logical!

Krissi: Now I'm picturing her holding onto one foot! Now, she's falling over...now she's howling in pain. Now SHE's got the headache!

kathryn said...

Christiejolu: Yup. I think kids are more likely to see her moving in both directions. We need to capture that ability to be creative and logical all at the same time!

Lisa E: Yep...it went through...and yep...she is most definitely naked. It's a bit distracting...right??

Bonnie, Original Art Studio: Ha! Why? I mean...would it really bother you to be logical and practical?? I mean, it's not ME...but still...

kathryn said...

carissajaded: Well, there you go! You are such a smart girl! Everyone SMART knows that celery and PB lead to more creativity.

Lauren: Ummmmm....YOU'RE the one making her do it, sweetie! Connor wanted to videotape her and see what the camera picked up. I had to try and explain that it's your BRAIN that's making her do...whatever you see her do!

Ron said...

OMG...this post is SO MUCH FUN!!

Ok...I definitely see her moving clock-wise.

And after reading the description, it FITS me!

And it fits YOU too!

This is SOOOOOOOO cool!

Hope you had a great day, Tootsie!


kathryn said...

WannabeVirginiaW: You're not losing it, sweetie! That's the beauty of this "test"...there is no wrong answer. We've all just learned more about ourselves. (My note is at the bottom of the post above)

Rachel Maraii: Oh, God! You're able to not only move her at will, but can focus long enough to notice the position of her arm, leg and...ponytail?? You're my hero...I couldn't do that if I tried!

Jan: Well, there you go! I'm glad it supports what you already knew. I find it mesmerizing...I keep going back to it.

Krissi said...

She deserves to howl in pain. Clockwise, counter clockwise. I want to know who has the time to design these things. Why do we look at. I've showed it to like ten people now. Something wrong with me.

kathryn said...

BlackLOG: Well. Ya never listen. I distinctly said to tear your eyes away from the nudity....I KNEW you couldn't do it. So, basically...your brain just SHUT DOWN altogether.

Runnergirl: So...you see her going counter-clockwise? You're a logical thinker, sweetie!

Fierce: Oh, you're such a silly girl. You're not supposed to do the dance WITH her! But you made her go both ways....that is so cool! (My response is at the bottom of the post!)

kathryn said...

Bernadine: That's what I said! My left-side must have fled to Boca to get away from this freakin' cold! Only our creativity remains, sweetie!

Petty Witter: Well, welcome to MY world! THIS is why I HAD to share. My bad...but it's addicting! I wish Chrissy could have seen it...can't imagine why it won't work for her.

ValleyWriter: Heehee! You're right...it did sound kinda naughty! It's pretty cool, though...right?

kathryn said...

Tia: Oh, honey! I'd originally seen this in '07 and I could NOT make her stop or change direction. It was only last night that I FINALLY did it and then she reverted back again.
Your creativity is just too strong...like mine!

Technolustmaxx: Yes...you win....a creative brain. TADA! neo-nazi chicas? I'm on my way!

SMOOG: Uh-huh. I'd remarked to someone that I don't think my "girls" have EVER looked that perky....even pre-boys!

kathryn said...

Tinkerschnitzel: Wow...interesting. Evidently, that's how most ppl see her all the time...you've got that ability to control her! (Insert Twilight Zone music here.)

Loredana: Got it. My answer is at the bottom of the post. You go, girl!

CMK: Well, THAT'S interesting! I had to REALLY concentrate and move my finger counter-clockwise to get her to stop and reverse, but it didn't last. It's hard to go against nature, I think!

Heather: Wow! Really? I definitely never get that. For me, she's spinning pretty darn fast!

kathryn said...

Gingerella: Ya wanna become some hippy, dippy, trippy gal? I don't think so...maybe you just need to accept your inner creative girl.

Smileyfreak: There you go...you creative girl, you!

jen: Aw! Don't let it get to you! (Pot/kettle. I couldn't stop looking at her for DAYS)

book*addict: Yes. You are a bit of both...you've got the creativity with just as much practicality!

Serendipitous: Good for you! It only took me 2 years to master that! UGH.

Menopausal New Mom: Welcome! And you've got that "both sides of the brain" thing happening. We've got a lot of creative, yet logical readers here! I'm impressed!

kathryn said...

RON! I can't believe you can see it! I thought for sure that you're stupid-soon-to-be-history dial-up would block you out...YAY! OF COURSE you see clockwise...altho, you've got that orderly piece to you, so I'm guessing you could reverse her if you tried. I DID have a great day...hope you did too, handsome! xo

kathryn said...

Krissi: Yeah, well...then there's something wrong with both of us, 'cause I can't stop. It's been 2 years now and I keep going back to her. Are you getting different ppl seeing different things? I'm assuming so. It's a bit maddening, right?

J9 said...

OK, I can get her to switch directions, but then I look at the foot that is planted on the ground and it is only going clockwise...

Tia said...

I keep coming back. Its so exciting. I had to have my 9 year old check it out. He saw clockwise btw and I actually saw her change directions! It only lasted about 5 seconds before she reverted back to her faithful clockwise pirouetting but still. I DO have some logic in me. :) I always knew it.

kathryn said...

J9: Really? Getting her to spin counter-clockwise is soooo hard for me that I don't even get the chance to look at her foot! You're way better at it than I.

Tia: HA! Now you're on the same level as I....it takes WAY too much brain power for me to make her change...but it's nice to know we can DO it. Control has been restored!

Pratik Gupta said...

Clockwise: every single time....Grt test, great Blog!!

First time for me and i am loving it!! :P

Moonrayvenne said...

When I'm on your blog page, she doesn't move. But when I check it out on my aol, she does move. I look at it & she goes one way when I scroll down & back up to the pic, she is going the other way. And then I could get her leg to go back & forth, not even turning all the way around. So there you have it...I am insane...LOL! Loved this. (((HuGS)))

kathryn said...

Pratrik Gupta: Me too! Clockwise basically every time...except maybe twice...but I felt like I was short-circuiting my brain when I managed it! glad you're here!

Collette: NO! Not insane! I envy you...you are the PERFECT mix of logical and creative! Seriously!!!

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