Monday, January 4, 2010

My Bad.

I'm not sure how it happened.

Somehow, I've lost my comment-mojo....

I'm posting...but I'm not keeping up with the comments. This can't possibly be good.

First, the holidays....then two meetings back-to-back today...another biggie tomorrow.

It's 12:40am now...and I'm up again at 6!

THAT'S IT. I'm not posting another word till I'm all caught up.

I'll visit....I'll comment....I'll catch up....everyone'll understand....

I hope?

Heather said...

I totally understand. I have been getting behind also. Just too much to do and not enough time.

Moonrayvenne said...

I understand completely! I have had computer problems since the 30th so I haven't been keeping up as much either. I lost everything as my computer had viruses. But, I am somewhat up & running. No volume & nothing left in memory but I can get online! You do what you can when you can. You'll write really big comments when you have the! (((HUGS)))

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Better give me a visit too....

Áine said...

I don't know how you keep up with it all! You always leave such thoughtful comments *thanks for those by the way :)* and you write funny posts which are always worth the read. Cut yourself some slack and take your time with the catch up

JP said...

Life happens.

Spot said...

I completely understand and I wasn't mad at you at all. No. JK. I really wasn't. When I think of how much time I spend commenting, I think you must be way overwhelmed. Use all that Kindle money we're making now to buy yourself a Starbucks Frappacuino and go for it! LOL!


Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Don't sweat it Kathryn; it happens to us all.
And your comments are the best in the blogosphere, well worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, Kit Kat, get with the program, With 596 followers people are counting on you. Get a move on it... Just kidding!

I hear yah, I got behind too :( Not too worry people will understand.

Krissi said...

Your so great to comment. Thanks for all the great comments you left. That being said you have an official pass not to comment back. Just thanx for all the times you do.

Ron said...

Hiya Kathryn! worries, my friend!

Life happens and we all need to take care of those things first and foremost.

We TOTALLY understand!

Between posting and commenting, blogging can get overwhelming, so we do what we can.

We love ya, Kathryn!

Have a great meeting tomorrow!


carissajaded said...

It's ok Kathryn!!! I've been so behind as well!!!! You dont' have to comment every day, I just want to read your posts funny lady!!

Lauren said...

lol of course people will understand. Living in Blogville is fun, but there's another world that requires more immediate attention... unfortunately.

nashashibi said...

u'll get your mojo back...don't worry

KT said...

well, lucky you i didn't even notice. if i had i definitely would've blown up in anger of your lack of comment-compassion.
just kidding. You shouldn't even be worrying about everyone else if you're so busy.

Lou said...

I see you're creeping back up towards that magic 600 mark K. See you back in full stride when you get a chance.

Unknown said...

What it is you New Yawker's say? Fuggetaboutit! Seriously, don't worry about catching up! Just jump in where you are. And keep entertaining us with your blog posts!

Alicia said...

I think you should quit your job and blog full time...that way you have time for me :-)

I too feel like just the whole blogging thing has gotten away from me. Plus I'm too tired to think.

It will get better and thanks for commenting on my posts :-)

Unknown said...

Totally understand punkin! No worries!

This morning I looked at my google reader and there were 125 posts that are from my commenters at my site... yikes! So glad I was back to work today so I have time to blog. LOL

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right. We oughta boycott your blog until you reply EACH. AND. EVERY. COMMENT. Ok obviously I'm joking, just go to that meeting and don't let Clinton put in his own two cents in case the other people wonder who in the world you are talking to (no offense CK)

Betsy said...

Everyone is behind in blogland because of the holidays. Don't worry, the blog police aren't going to be coming knocking at your door. ;)

(because then they'd come straight to my house)

Loredana said...

Totally understand! I had lost my comment and blogging mojo. It happens and thankfully no one told me to go scratch. So take your's cool.

kathryn said...

Heather: Thanks, sweetie! I'm actually (almost) sort of (getting there!) caught up!

Collette: Oh, you poor thing! That really BITES! Connor (12) has often asked me, "Why do people do this to other people?" re: viruses. It's such a malicious thing to do to ppl you don't even know, right?

Gillian: You got it, bay-bee! On my way right now!

kathryn said...

Smileyfreak: Oh, aren't you da BEST?? I love visiting everyone and reading their posts! But yeah...this time it totally got away from me. How I wish I could do just THIS for a living!!

JP: Yeah...but I want to BLOG when life happens! Not clean up the mess from it :-(

Spot: Ha! I haven't seen a DIME, baby! But hey...I just want to feel like I'm reciprocating with the comments, ya know?? It's not right to expect ppl to take the time to read & comment if I'm not willing to do the same. Period.

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: Aw, thanks so much, sweetie! You're such a know just what to say to make me feel less guilty!

WannabeVirginiaW: HA! I know...everyone gets behind sometimes...but this was ridiculous! And then I post to say I'm not posting till I catch up? WTF??

Krissi: I'm happy to visit and comment! That's why I've been so frustrated at being behind! This is a 2-way's not all just about ME!

kathryn said...

RON! Thank you, sweetie....I know you guys understand. But it's still really nice to hear! (Especially the "loving" part....blush, blush....)
Love you too!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

carissajaded: Aw, thanks doll! I appreciate your understanding....and I knew you would understand. I just want to be as involved in everyone else's lives as you guys are in mine!

kathryn said...

Lauren: Yes, "unfortunately" is right! Blogville is so footloose and fancy-free!

nashashibi: I'm not worried...just tired of being buried under!

book*addict: "Comment-compassion?" HA! I don't like the feeling of being incredibly makes me feel too out of control.

Lou: Don't remind me. That elusive 6-0-0 is the bane of my existence...I refuse to acknowledge it any more! (Sneaks a quick peek....dammit!)

kathryn said...

Kimberly:'re so sweet! I wanna do guys are as big a part of my life at YOUR places as you are over here...I gotta keep up with all the dirt!

Alicia: Oh, what I wouldn't give to do this full time! Could you imagine?? Honey, it's my pleasure to visit your place...I always have a blast!

SMOOG: HA! I can be quite intimidating! And I'm not the kind of person that can just skim....I have to really READ. I'm almost caught up!

Fierce: HA! Clinton's a good boy...he whispers things in my ear about what ppl are wearing that he finds hideous and he makes me smile at inappropriate times....

Gingerella: Blog I know we're in trouble! I can almost hear the handcuffs being clicked on...he's reading me my blog-miranda!

kathryn said...

Loredana: Hey girlie! Let's all try and get back in da groove....I love that feeling when I'm on top of things!

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