Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ants and Hope

Just what makes that little old ant

Think he can move that rubber tree plant?

Anyone knows an ant…


Move a rubber tree plant.

(Sing it with me now)


He’s got…

…well, you know. (It's "HIGH HOPES" case you don't.)

Of course, I had to google rubber tree plant…as I’d no clue. Google took this opportunity to suggest I check out Frank Sinatra while I’m surfing… “since you’ve obviously got nothing better to do if you’re googling rubber tree plant at 10:45 on a Wednesday evening.

I must interject here that Google has gotten very cocky of late…seems to have a opinion on just about everything…and why would I need them when I’ve got the Mercedes of all internal-voices in my forever-fabulous, forever-adorable Sir Clinton Kelly?

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(Stage whispers) “CLINTON! That’s your cue! Get OUT HERE…we’ve got dead space in blogville! HURRY UP!”

Clinton: “Oops…sorry. I was on the phone…I have a life, you know. I’m extremely busy; between my show and my book and my tour…you’re lucky I even answer you most of the time. So…what’s cookin?”

Kathryn: “Well, now you’ve gone and made me feel bad. What could I possibly say now that won’t sound stupid, insignificant and petty? I wonder if Clooney will still take my calls…”

C: (Winces) “Okay, got it….you have my undivided attention. I’m sure that whatever the subject matter, it will be clever, significant and extremely important. Lay it on me.”

K: “Well, we were just having a rousing discussion on the palpable meaning of the song “High Hopes”, which was originally sung by Frank Sinatra in 1959 in a movie entitled ‘A Hole in the Head’.”

C: “Really?”

K: “Yes…really. You’ve heard the song, right? Do you need me to sing it again?”

C: “That won’t be necessary. And how did this particular subject arise?”

K: “I don’t know…it just popped into my head and now I can’t stop singing it….I think it has something to do with my wish for all of humanity to view the upcoming holidays with optimism, hopefulness and a determination for a brighter future.”

C: (Chuckles) “Wow…that’s very…deep. Or, maybe you just need to turn on your iPod and find another song to get it out of your head.”

K: “Huh. Interesting conclusion from a man whose very public image is based on the deliverance of the uplifting message of building one’s self-confidence…not unlike my teeny friend, the ant here…”

C: “I don’t think many people would appreciate your comparison of their body image with that of an insect, kiddo.”

K: “But…he pushes over the rubber tree plant! Hence, the ‘whoops’ part…It’s an inspirational message of the undeniable power of tenacity and naïveté….so appropriate…so...very trendy.”

C: (Laughs) “I think you mean opportune? Or maybe auspicious?”

K: “Hmmm…maybe, oh knower-of-the-really-big-words. Is there anything you don’t know?”

C: “I don’t know why I’m still standing here…I think you’ve made your point. C’mon…I’ll buy you a drink. The timing is impeccable.”

K: “Now THAT I can understand.”

Momiji chan said... comment on that one (weirded out) sorry but its true that was completely random and lets just say there was a problem at oni con with some friends that i had with me and that's all im gonna say no more and you cant make me *grr* oh and i posted so look it up thanks ^^

BlackLOG said...

So rather than visit this week’s BlackLOG
you were out googling rubber trees. Now that hurts

Who would have guessed that Wonderwoman can't sing in key...OK joking, welcome to hardball - English style.

Alright, you might not think that was strong but psychologically and at a subliminal level deep with your subconscious I’ve set a seed so cunning, so powerful that I don’t even know what it will do…

BlackLOG said...

P.S. I'm English, so you don't have to explain what is happening on the screen in front of me, I could tell.
Glad I made Taylor laugh, just hope it was with me and not at me....Oh what the hell, it doesn't matter, a laughs a laugh except when it's a cry for help....

Anonymous said...

ok, Clinton has really gotta stop confusing the rest of the world,seriously... I mean, I don't want to have to look for a dictionary every time he says something... *mutters under breath* show off!
I do love Clinton though, don't get me wrong, and I think the ants are very brave (braver than some of us even) to even think about trying to move the rubber tree... Now that's what I call mind over matter...

KT said...

HIGH-apple pie-in the sky-HOPES!!! ...All I remember from this song, and I'm not sure if it's the particular movie you're talking about, is that the kid's voice was SUPER annoying. but here's a link to listen to that annoying voice, becasue of course i FOUND it.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

Now you know what we'll all be singing in our heads all day, don't you????
Thanks a lot!

Lauren said...

I dunno about Clooney. It took Ellen a while to get a hold of him and his office was right near hers. And after getting the Jeopardy song stuck in my head I'm now going to be singing "Hiiiigh Hopes" all stinkin' day... that's all I know. Anyway, I must be off to class. Thanks for the laugh, people in the library are staring at me. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Google does have a bad attitude lately. Know what you mean, there. FYI--went to the doc, got the shots I needed and still haven't recovered. Suggestions?

Tina said...

Nice one, Kathryn, but now I'll have the tune in my head all day long!

Lynn said...

I've a got a new word for you. Aneurhythm: The condition in which a melody repeats over and over inside ones head or, in other words, when a song is "stuck in your head." Scientific term? Earworm. Kind of like aneurhythm better. Was this some kind of diabolical plan to get all of your readers humming "High Hopes" all together today? It's working. Next step? Taking over the world!

Spot said...

So was this basically a pep talk? You want me to be optimistic, hopeful and determined? And via Clinton, auspicious as well?'s way too early in the morning to commit to to me around noon, K?

Hahaha. Cute post.

Unknown said...

LOL... good morning Kathryn!

Thank you so much for the earworm. Of course I only know a few of the lyrics so I've got the extra annoying SHORT TRACK looping around in there.

Hopefully as the day carries on I will get some actual thoughts in my head to act as a buffer so I only hear it once every minute or so instead of every 4 seconds. ;o)

Hope you and Clinton are having an awesome day!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Okay now I've got that stoopid song stuck in my head.

Ron said...

Cute and Insightful post, Kathryn!

I totally remember seeing the movie "A Hole in the Head" and the ant song!!

And when you think about it...ants are pretty tenacious and persistant little bugs - so it fits.

I know I've told you this before, but I love the dialogue between you and Clinton. I can actually see the two of you talking!

Have faaaabulous day, my friend!

It's raining and cold here in Philly and I'm in HEAVEN!!


Heather said...

oooh, that clinton has some big *** words in his head, oops I mean your head. Wow, some of them I had to look up!

Thanks for the song in my head!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard that song before...but...interesting conversation as usual when Clinton is around. XD

JD at I Do Things said...

I had to Google the entire lyrics for this song. Did you know that in addition to the ant, there's also a ram?

Once there was a silly old ram
Thought he'd punch a hole in a dam
No one could make that ram scram
He kept buttin' that dam


This brought back bad memories of my childhood, when I had to DUST our rubber tree plant. That, and raking our shag rug, was my most-hated chore.

Krissi said...

I love how google is able to read my mind. In fact google usually can figure out what word i am trying to spell faster than my spell check. One day I fully expect google to read my mind. :)Other than that just have to say hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Google told me to say tha.

carissajaded said...

Ahh Kathryn I kind of want to hug you and pinch you at the same time right now. I haven't thought of that song in ages. Ages. It was the song my mom used to sing to me every night before bed. That and the "My Bonnie lies over the ocean," one.

But I want to pinch you bc now it is in my head, and likely to stay there for a very long time. At least you've been there too.

Alicia said...

So one little song is going to inspire all mankind to view the holidays with optimism, hopefulness and a determination for a brighter future??? Well I guess it could happen, if the monotony of the earworm doesn't kill us first.

Love the ant picture Kathryn!

Betsy said...

Aren't inner dialogues wonderful? lol

You know the best way to get a song out of your head? Just start humming "My Sharona" by The everytime.

[you may now have My Sharona stuck in your head, but it's probably invariably better than whatever the last song was]

Dreamfarm Girl said...

Isn't High Hopes also the Hi-C or Nestea song? Because as soon as I get to "high apple pie in the sky hopes" I want to go to something about, oh the taste of it and the Vitamin C! Oops there goes another glass of Hi- oops there goes another glass of Hi- oops there goes another glass of Hi-C!
Hmmm. Well, at least he offered you a drink.

kathryn said...

saku chan: random bad? We don't like random? But I THINK in random.....seriously!

BlackLOG: Shameless self-promotion! Shameless! But, it includes me, so it's shamelessly allowed.

Fierce: I KNOW. Clinton's the knower-of-the-big-words...a total show-off. That's what having a masters in journalism will do for you!

book*addict: That's RIGHT! Wow...that kid had a VERY annoying voice! I can't believe you found this on YouTube (I never even thought to look). I honestly don't know this version! The closest I could find to what I remember is some guy named "Bob" from Sesame Street? You're so resourceful...I still can't believe you found this!

Lou said...

When troubles call and your back's to the wall
There's a lot to be learned, that wall could fall

Rather 'glass half empty' don't ya think?

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: Ha! Well, why should I be the only one with it stuck in MY head? I like to share...

Lauren: HA! I'm sory (no, I'm not) that I've made you laugh in the library. I guess I'll have to call Ellen and have her office call Clooney's office. I'll get it done!

jmberrygirl: You got the shots you needed to get over the...sinus infection? Was that it? My brain is muddled (so, what else is new?). I'm on my way for a visit to your place now. Okay, I'm stumped. Are you still sick??

Tina: Sorry....but I'm a big believer in sharing the loooove....(or in this case, the tunes)

Allegria: HA! Yeah, well...the day they open the 11:00 news with the strange phenom of ppl all singing the same tune throughout the world, I'll admit....I'll wonder for about half a sec! Aneurhythm....I like that!

Spot: So, are we still planning on being optimistic, hopeful, determined and auspicious? All at the same time?? Now, I'm thinking it'll take waaay too much energy. Maybe we'll just do one...and save the rest for next year.

Smoog! Oh, I HATE the SHORT TRACK! (I never realized that's what it was called!) It's been so long since this post, I'm sure you've got some OTHER short track stuck in there, right? Like the Oscar Mayer wiener song, or something??

Gillian: Sorry (hangs head). It could be worse...want some suggestions on songs that could be worse??!

RON! You can keep your rain and your cold and your snow and your ice and your cabin-fever. When you're looking for someone to tuck a tropical flower behind one ear and prepare you a frozen daiquiri and remark to you how the color of the ocean matches the beautiful color of your eyes, then I'm your gal! xoxo

Heather: Yes, Clinton is very big on words...the bigger the better. (snickers) The song should go away in a day or two...just hum the theme to Gilligan's Island. That oughta do it.

kathryn said...

Gavin: Yeah, it's an old song...but seems to resurface every now and then as a children's song. Clinton adds the comedic element, don't you think??

JD at I Do Things: HA! Are you kidding me? You RAKED the RUG and DUSTED the TREE? Oh, you poor Cinderella, you!!

Krissi: Well, isn't that nice of Google! Who knew it had a sentimental, polite side?

carissajaded: HA! So now we have a love/hate we?? I can live with that! What song shall we try next??

Alicia: HA! Yes, we can only hope that the entire future of mankind doesn't get sidetracked by the monotony of the earworm! Love that!

Gingerella: (Ma-ma-ma-ma-MYSHARONA!!!) Oh, God!......

Dreamfarm Girl: Ha! Gee, I don't know THAT version! Isn't Hi-C that talking big pitcher with the face on it? I'm sure it sang, but the song escapes me. I'm sure it's on YouTube!

Lou: Uh, yeah! I guess it was a sign of the the cradle falling out of the tree in "Rock-a-by-baby". Weird, scary stuff.

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