Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is That Broccoli In Your Hair?

A while back, whilst channel surfing, I came across a show called “The Secret Lives of Women”. Evidently, this is a series…with a different theme each week. Being a wo-man myself and being somewhat intrigued with the whole “secret” thing, I settled in to see what’s what.

This particular episode was on women who had rather unusual ways of maintaining a balanced way of eating. Notice I did not use the word diet here. You’ll understand in a minute.

Four women were featured. One was eating a special diet that was supposed to prolong youth and vitality. She did it with her husband. All natural foods, they both exercised a lot and didn’t eat an evening meal….they jogged instead. They were in their 60’s….they looked to be…in their 60’s. They seemed to think they looked in their late 40’s. I was not gonna be the one to tell them otherwise.

The second woman didn’t eat anything cooked over 118 degrees. She was beautiful, young and incredibly thin…and it was hard to believe she did anything besides search for, purchase, prepare and eat this high-maintenance diet. She seemed to be at odds with her family for her choice of foods and was having a hard time finding men to date who believed in this as strongly as she did. I wish her good luck with this…I think she’ll need it.

Woman #3 came from…maybe Tennessee? Or was it Kentucky? She was a complete departure from the others. She dressed like an Amish woman who had no sewing abilities and thought her children and grandchildren would be most comfortable in puffy, Victorian-looking full-length gowns but with no waists and lots of pleats. She had a ministry…and basically preached that God will tell you when to stop eating. That she was overweight as a child (although, no photos provided backup of this, the cynical New Yorker in me noticed) and ran “The Weigh Down Workshop-The Church of Thin”. She lived a very…..luxurious lifestyle. Fancy, expensive cars, lots of expensive jewelry…and her house was filled with big, over-the-top pieces. She had a televised following and everyone in her fam was part of the show…dancing, swaying and praying to God to tell them when to stop eating. My check is in the mail. (Not.)

The final lady left the biggest impression. She was part of the Fregans…people who dumpster-dive and basically live off other people’s garbage. They dive for everything…food, clothing, and toiletries. Evidently, it’s not quite as gross as I’d thought: they don’t go through people’s garbage, per se…more like the clean bag of end-of-the-day bagels in the alley behind the Bagel Shop. Or, picking through one-day expired bottles of everything from sauce…to those pre-packaged salads…to vitamins. Next shot, she’d be behind the Laundromat, combining discarded bottles of liquid soap into one bottle…and coming away with a decent amount. She’d lead these groups each week to show them how to dive for the safe, good stuff that (mainly markets) were just tossing away…and the food didn’t look gross or anything. Then she’d make these elaborate meals for her and her diving-buddies. After they’d showered, of course.

It was interesting, provocative, ridiculous and gross all at the same time. It must’ve made an impression, though…’cause I’m still thinking about it. I’m definitely making an effort to not be wasteful and to be more aware that we use all that I purchase…that’s important for everyone…us and the planet.

I’m also making sure that I never, ever wear puffy long dresses that don’t cinch at the waist. Although, if you’ll buy me that Mercedes, I may reconsider.
Just tell me your check is in the mail.

Have you seen a show/documentary that made an impression on you? One that you couldn’t get out of your head? Could you share, so I can get this one out of mine??

BioniKat said...

That all sounds absolutely weird! The show I watch that absolutely amazes me (and makes me feel a whole lot better about my house) is Clean House with the junk-hoarding participants.

f8hasit said...

Kathryn...I've been a member of our local 'Freecycle'. It's a program to try to keep stuff out of the landfills. The basic thing is, "One mans garbage is another mans treasure".

So the things that I no longer want, I out up on Freecycle and someone e-mails me with their interest and they pick it up. Makes me feel good about not throwing it away and helping someone else out.

I've given away shampoo or makeup I don't like, lamps, coffee makers, name it. I've also received things like sandstone for the garden and wood for bonfires.

Check it out. Just Goodle Freecycle.


BlackLOG said...

"Supersize Me" the documentary film made a big impression. There was an extra on the DVD called the Smoking Fry which showed food left out over a period of time. After a couple of weeks the burgers, buns etc all look like Britney Spears without makeup...Harsh, but fair. The French Fries looked as if they had just been cooked - Not even the microbes (or what ever they are called)would touch them - I think somebody should check McDonalds attic for the picture of those fries.

I stopped eating McDonalds and most fast food after that.

P.S how can you keep up the rate of blogging, I struggle to get the BlackLOG out once a week.....

Anonymous said...

I watched a show last night about the quilters of Gee's Bend, Alabama. It was not nearly as ick inspiring as what you watched. But I cried watching these little ladies tell their stories. Pretty amazing.

Unknown said...

I've seen a couple of these "Secret Lives of Women" shows. I'd say the "I'm a cougar" one was one of my favorites. They are riveting, that's for sure.

As for shows I can't get out of my head - watch one of the shows in the "I didn't know I was pregnant" series on TLC. YES, it's a series. There are apparently tons of women out there who didn't know they were pregnant until they were giving birth. Umm.... for real?!?! I mean, I've never been pregnant, but if I was, I'm pretty sure I'd know it! It just boggles the mind....

Anonymous said...

That lifetime show, Wifeswap, drives me nuts. They must search hard for the weirdest people they can find to match up with the worst behaved kids in the whole world. I can't stand to watch it and my husband hates it more than I do. There are raw meat eaters, women who wait on their families hand and foot, disobedient and disrespectful children, basically the run-of-the-mill stuff you'd never want in your own house... Makes me cringe just thinking about it.

Maureen@IslandRoar said...

I've seen shows like that about different "special" ways people eat.
I understand the waste part, and I try to do less of that, but I don't think eating is supposed to be the all consuming thing some of these folks make it out to be.

Tinkerschnitzel said...

Wow. I'm really missing out without cable, aren't I? We had to stop watching Super Nanny a while back, mostly because my mom was yelling at the tv too much. lol

Mark Price said...

Hmm, the secret lives of women. I haven't seen that one. I don't watch too many documentary type shows. I try not to waste too much of the stuff I use but I think if there were people going through my trash I might, from time to time, leave them something yummy to munch on. I'm reminded constantly of a wasteful thing I did and hope never to repeat. Long story though so won't fill up your comment box with it.

Betsy said...

A show I've started to become addicted to is "Hoarders" on A&E. I think it's on Monday nights. It's sad seeing how these people live, and how they refuse psychological help even when they know they need it. It's more than just being disorganized, it's truly a mental illness.

Heather said...

I stumbled across the BBC show called "How clean is tour house?" These 2 older women go to the most filthist houses I have ever seen. They take swabs of different areas in the house and send it to a lab to prove just how disgusting the place really is. The results are usally alarming! I will never be able to get that show out of my head, it has haunted me for months now already! I had to quit watching it.

Unfortunetly, I know all too well about the dumpster diving. When I was a kid, we had reached below poverty level, if my dad had not done the dirty deed, who knows what would have happened to us. It was a blessing that they threw away day old bread!

snoble24 said...

i watch this show dirty jobs with mike row. i like to see the jobs that people do that keep this country running. no matter how dirty they are this mike row guy tends to make them intresting and funny to see. he cracks jokes and so on. i love the show its on discovery channel

Unknown said...

I'd say read Fast Food Nation, the documentary film was terrible but the book was very interesting. Also I loved reading Stiff, all the things that are done to the body after you die.

Spot said...

I watch alot of documentary type shows. I have seen "The Secret Lives of Women" and my favorite was the multiple wives one. I'm pretty sure I want my hubby to get another she can clean the house while I blog. I've also seen "I didn't know I was pregnant", that one baffles the mind. And "Dirty Jobs", love that one. And, sorry to say, but my son and I love "WifeSwap", "Trading Spouses", and "Nanny 911". I agree they find the most ourtageous people and pair up the two extremes but it makes me feel awesome about my parenting ability. Because compared to these people I am rocking it baby!!

I also like "Ghost Hunters" and "Destination Truth" on SyFy. But those are just because I'm a total ghost junkie. ;]


Loredana said...

I remember reading about those dumpster diving people and at first was like 'ewww', then I kept reading and realized they actually pick up from places that really do waste their food each night and it's not dirty at all. Although, I still couldn't bring myself to do it, but it's made me more conscious of the things I do toss out.

A show that I couldn't get out of my head...hmmm....I always seem to get caught up in those shows that I want to somehow help with the cause. Mostly having to do with children. For instance there was this program on TLC once and it was this little girl called-Hayley and she had Progeria which is a disease that makes you old before your time. It completely captivated me. If you google her you'll check it out.

Amy said...

I'm so perplexed by Woman #3 that I can't come up with any suggestions...

Momiji chan said...

hmm..... yea don't really watch that kinda shows but it good to have some kind of hobby well i say its a hobby but i guess it could be haha yea this blog is totally random ^^ love it

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

OK, you ready? There was a show on TLC about people afflicted with OCD. One woman washed her hands all the time, but she also had an interesting other problem whereby she worried about turning gay just by sitting near women. She also had a thing with buying groceries. Bear with me. It was something like she couldn't buy groceries on shelves that were at hip level because the items were too close to her lady bits and I think she thought that would also somehow turn her gay, too. There are worse things I could report about her, but I'm too embarrassed to even type it out. My heart goes out to this woman. She's living in quite a hell.

TC said...

Loved it. I don't have any more pleasant documentaries for you to think about. I can see the dresses though. 118 degrees and she was thin huh?? :-)

BLANK said...

Hm... I didn't know women lived like that... secretly O_O

kathryn said...

momcat: Oh, I remember that show! ppl with TONS of crap that they need to purge, right? Makes the "normal" amount of clutter just disappear, right? Thanks for the comment & flw!

f8hasit: Hey Nancy! Way cool! That's what I'm talkin' about. I'd expected to be all grossed out by it, but it was quite powerful and reminded me that we're way too wasteful sometimes. I'll check that out. Thanks!

BlackLOG: I remember that! That's when I stopped eating fast food as well. We have it maybe once a year, when I get a hankering for...(you guessed it) those fries! That documentary completely grossed me out, which I know was their intention. As far as my blogging rate, I dunno....I genuinely love to write. When I'm not writing articles, I'm blogging, or researching...or writing something. I think it just comes easily when you're doing something you love. Don't you think?

Fumbling Confidence:Quilters? Like a blanket?, I see. I just Googled it. I'd no idea the process was to rich in must be a southern thing, no? I hope you find your quilt, my dear.

ValleyWriter: Oh, I've seen those shows. Sometimes, they even have women who were pregnant w/twins and say they didn't know it! The drama wore thin pretty quickly for me...every time the voice-over guy would say, "Will she make it to the hospital in time?" for the hundredth time. Yikes!

jmberrygirl: I have never watched that show...and you've just given me more reason to never consider it. I realize it's all about the ratings, but TLC has gotten very WEIRD of late. Lots of medical misfortune and odd syndromes...freaks me out!

Lauren said...

I watched a silent movie about the Russian revolution for history class. After an hour, the music was giving me a headache so I opted to substitute it with the Dixie Chicks. Unfortunately, everyone in class could hear my music. Goodbye Earl is apparently inappropriate...

kathryn said...

Maureen@IslandRoar: I totally agree. That one woman (with the very angular features) spent an inordinate amount of time on finding just the right foods. It honestly seemed more like a lifestyle, which was making it hard for her to associate casually with others. I was exhausted just watching her!

Tinkerschnitzel: Yes! I used to watch SuperNanny...till I realized that every eppy was giving me a major headache!

Mark Price: Huh. Intriguing....maybe you'll post about it over at your place? I know it affected me enough that I'm definitely less wasteful. I think. I'm still laughing from your post today, btw.

Gingerella: What is the attraction with everything being so over the top? I guess that's the entertainment value. Don't you just feel so sorry for them? Is it like the car crash, where you can't look away?

Heather: Wow. I'm still amazed by how much perfectly good food is being tossed by the markets...which seems to be where these ppl find most of their supplies. You know firsthand how wasteful these places can be.

snoble24: Chrissy @ IShouldaBeenAStripper looooves Mike Rowe! I'd no clue who he was before she mentioned him! You two should compare notes!

JP said...

The only documentary that comes to mind is one about the history of fasteners... from nails to screws to tape.

Apparently nails used to be flat... then they learned how to make round ones...

I can't really remember anything about screws...

Tape... Duct tape actually used to be called "duck tape". It was invented in WWII as tape to keep ammo cans closed. They needed a waterproof tape to keep the moisture out of the ammo cans and the water rolled off the tape like water off a duck's back... hence the name "duck tape". After the war they started using it for ductwork and it became duct tape.

kathryn said...

KyaLyn: about two completely different topics! Fast food...and corpses. Quite diverse! Thanks for the comment and the follow! I'm glad you're here!

Oh, Spot! You and my sister with the Ghosthunters! She loooooves that show. Always reminding me when it's on. It just creeps me out! Can you watch it when you're totally A-L-O-N-E???

Loredana: I remember seeing that show! And as an opposite, the other night, TLC had a show about a 16-yo girl who was the size/weight of a 6-month old. Scientists are hoping she may have the genetic makeup to discover the way to remain forever young. She'd actually never aged. I always feel for the parents on those shows...

Amy: OMG...she was bizarre. Seriously...she fit the typical stereotype of the materialistic woman...stuck in the 1980's. Long, fake red nails...big shoulder pads. It was weird.

saku chan: Yes, that's me! Totally random...but that's part of the fun, right??

Junk Drawer Kathy: Good Lord! That poor woman!! And she's got these TLC cameramen following her around...documenting this?? And she's explaining all these fears? I'm seriously worried about this network!!

TC: Uh huh. She claimed she'd been fat, but God told her how to stop eating and what to eat. But she dressed in these bag-shaped dresses... it was bizarre.

Mandarin Kitten: Yep...they've got mini-women, multiple women married to one man, women who are ordinary by day and strippers by night. Hence the secret part!

kathryn said...

Lauren: OMG! Did that really happen? I'm sure your classmates appreciated your music a hell of a lot more than that crap they put w/the silent movies!

JP: Well, aren't WE a wealth of knowledge! You taught me something when I wasn't looking. Flat nails? Duck tape? Wow! You KNOW STUFF.

JP said...

I know useless shit.

THAT is what you get when you get a degree in history... a vast knowledge of useless shit. Yay me.

PS: Don't EVER play me at Trivia Pursuit. I'll kick you ass so hard you'll wish... umm... damn I had something funny to say there but lost it... Time for a beer.

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt said...

Sounds very interesting. I'm going to search the channels to see if I can find it.

Ron said...

Yes...I saw one several years ago called, "What Sex Am I?". It was a fascinating documentary which followed the lives of men and women who were eventually going to have a sex-change operation. Honestly, it was one of the best documentaries I've seen. It was raw and honest; leaving nothing out about the whole process.

And something I learned from it, which I never knew, was that the psychological success rate of a woman changing into a man, was far more successful than a man changing into a woman. It seems that (psychologically) women adapt to the change more easily.

I found that totally interesting.

Anway, that documentary left a very strong impression on me.

Hope you had a great day, my friend!


P.S. your check is in the mail!!!

kathryn said...

JP: Well, color me impressed. And you've got a sense of humor, too. Now, go find that beer!

Erin@TheLocalsLoveIt: It's pretty wild stuff. I think it's on the WE channel. That would make sense...

RON! (I just love shouting your name, 'cause I'm always so happy to see you!) HA! You're the ONLY one who remarked about the hero! I've seen docs on people contemplating or in the middle of a sex-change always fascinates me. I can't say I'm really surprised that women can handle change better than most men though. I think it's harder for men to adapt to change in general.
Thanks for the comment, my love...hope you've had a great day as well! xo

Leah Rubin said...

Totally amazing-- I can't imagine what any of these people actually has going on... C-r-a-z-y!

Kristen said...

Hoarders a documentary show on A and E. It documents the cleaning of a hoarders house. I know myself and that I come from a line of tried and true pack rats, but none of my relatives ever had a house that was completely unliveable. This show is very eye opening. I end up cleaning the house after I watch an episode!

Kaitlin said...

Usually documentary-style television can't hold my attention week-to-week but one I like to watch relatively often is "Intervention". I always get so involved with the drug addicts and cheer for them if they get clean, cry for them if they relapse. It's intense.

Feature-length, I'd have to second the "Supersize Me" as well as "Young @ Heart" which is a charming documentary about a geriatric chorus who has a huge cult following. It's adorable!

Rambles'N'Shambles said...

Man Ima have to find this show and see what all the hubub is about.

The only documentary I watched recently was about holes, did you know the hole's only natural enemy is the PILE?

OR something else starting with a P, if ya know what I mean


talk before sleep said...

The hardest one for me to watch although I know other people have commented on it is Hoarders. Its so sad to me to see these people that just can't let go of their stuff....even if it means they lose their kids. Even though I know this is a real problem and these people can't help themselves I still end up yelling at the TV for them to just throw the stuff out. I'll keep that show with me all night sometimes!

JD at I Do Things said...

That freganism . . . I don't know. Logically, I can see how it would work, but the germaphobe in me says, Dumpsters are for putting IN not taking OUT.

The most memorable documentary I've seen involved people who felt "wrong" with an intact body. In other words, they felt the overwhelming need to have a limb amputated. And some of them did. If they couldn't find a doctor willing to do it, they did it themselves. And once the limb was gone, they felt normal.


kathryn said...

Leah: Yeah....we've determined they must get paid the big buckeroos for sharing their (sometimes) bizarre story with the world. It seems, the more out there, the better in reality-tv world.

Kristen: Well, that's good! Finally! A show that is not only entertaining, but forces us to DO something positive. (Hm. I'd better check out that show!)

Kaitlin: Great choices, there! The only one I've seen is the SuperSize Me...I'll have to check out the others. Thanks for the comment!

evilteenietiff: How do you come up with this stuff?? You never bore me, sweetie....hilarious!

talk before sleep: I do believe it's gotta be a form of OCD....if these ppl will let it get so bad they'll lose their children! Don't you think??

JD at I Do Things: Only you, JD. Cool is not the word I wud've used to describe these ppl. WTF? Are you making this up???

Oddyoddyo13 said...

So I watched this movie (sorry, not a show or documentary but still pretty realistic) and it was award winning and a "classic" and all that. My Aunt told me I had to watch it so I settled in, preparing myself for the worst. (I'm not the type to pick out a movie just because it won an award.) The movie was so incredible! It was about this Italian man who was sent to one of those concetration camps with his son and his wife (who would've otherwise been free to go), went with them. He protected his son through the whole thing, pretending it was a vacation where they played this game for his son's birthday. I was crying by the end because the guy got shot. There was no dramatic scene or anything either but it was the part that lingered most in my mind. I think the movie was called Life is Beautiful.

kathryn said...

Oddyoddyo13: Wow! That sounds like an incredible movie! I may have heard of it...I'll have to see if it's out on DVD by now. Sounds fantastic. Thanks for the comment!

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